Le Dîner en Blanc - Our 2020 Resolutions

A New Year always brings the opportunity to re-examine the previous year and, identify some improvement areas. This is commonly known as New Year’s Resolutions. Le Dîner en Blanc is no exception to the rule. So, here is a list of three resolutions that will make the year 2020 – we guarantee it - incredible!

1 – Take a Break

Between work, social and family life or administrative tasks, everyday life is fast and furious. This leaves almost no room for the most basic: ourselves. The first resolution is to take some time for ourselves throughout the year. Not thinking of anything else and just enjoying some delightful moments and living in them. 

2 - Learn How to Enjoy the Simple Pleasures of Life

In order to make this year even more incredible, it is crucial to close the door to frustrations. Simply put, letting ourselves be tempted by the pleasures of life: whether gastronomic or sweet pleasures, Epicurus is a very special guest at Le Dîner en Blanc.


3 – Devote Oneself to the People Dear to Us

Our entourage, this ensemble of people dear to us that we sometimes neglect due to a lack of time and daily distractions. For this year, let’s devote more time to them. Right at the top of our priorities is to leave the daily routine behind for a moment and make quality time with the people we love and remind them that they are a priority.


This short list of resolutions stems directly from the values around which Le Dîner en Blanc was created: friendships, sharing, community… Each year, this wonderful evening of celebration of life and joy, is the perfect opportunity for guests to take a break from their daily lives gathered with their loved ones and new friends around a table laden with delicious food.

On behalf of the entire Diner en Blanc International team, we wish you a very happy 2020!


Dîner en Blanc International


Le Diner en Blanc in June

30 May 2024

Le Diner en Blanc is heading into summer with 5 events taking place in the month of June – all of them in the United States!

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Introducing our New Logo & Website

25 April 2024

You’re here! Have you had a chance to browse this beautiful, new website yet? Take a tour and get even more excited about the coming season!

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A Look Back on 2023!

08 March 2024

With the 2024 Diner en Blanc Event Season ramping up, we wanted to share some of the highlights from 2023.

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Throw-Back-Thursday - Puerto Rico!

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We are throwing it back to 2016! Le Diner en Blanc premieres in Puerto Rico! ??
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A New Chapter for Le Dîner en Blanc!

03 November 2022
Diner en Blanc International is pleased to announce that earlier this year, co-founder Sandy Safi acquired 100% of its business interests and trademark.
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Le Diner en Blanc 2021

22 December 2021
Already the end of the year, another very different year it was!
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October/November Calendar of Events 2021

30 September 2021
More events in October and November for Le Dîner en Blanc! Click on Read More to find out when and where.
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September Calendar of Events 2021

02 September 2021
September is all about Le Dîner en Blanc!
It may be coming to a city near you, click on Read More to find out.
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Le Dîner en Blanc - Back All Over the World

22 July 2021
The 2021 Calendar of Events for Le Dîner en Blanc so far includes...
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Le Diner en Blanc Returns to North America!

10 June 2021
We are overjoyed! After close to 20 months away, Le Diner en Blanc returns to North America!
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